25 Jan 2017
Julian calendar:
12 Jan 2017
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The Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome

The Holy Martyr Tatiana of RomeShe was a Christian, of an eminent family, a deaconess in the Church. After the death of the Emperor Heliogabalus, the Emperor Alexander came to the throne in Rome. His mother, Julia Mammaea, was a Christian, but the Emperor himself was unsure and hesitant about his faith; an uncertainty that was clearly expressed by his keeping statues of both Christ and Apollo, of both Abraham and Orpheus, in his palace. His chief advisors took it into their own hands to persecute the Christians without his orders. When the virgin Tatiana was led to martyrdom, she prayed for her executioners. And lo, their eyes were opened and they saw four angels around the martyr. Seeing this, eight of them were converted to Christ, for which they were tortured and killed. St Tatiana's martyrdom was long-drawn-out: she was flogged, parts of her flesh were cut off, she was sawn with an iron saw, and then, all disfigured and bleeding, was flung that evening into prison to be brought out on the following day for further torture. But God sent His angel to the prison, to give her courage and heal her wounds. Tatiana, therefore, appeared before her torturers each morning in perfect health. She was thrown to a lion, but the lion became tame before her and did her no harm. Her hair was shorn, from an idea that occurred to their godless minds that some sorcery might be hidden in it, some magical strength. Finally she was led out, together with her father, and the two were beheaded. In such manner this heroic maiden finished her earthly life in about the year 225, and was crowned with an immortal crown of glory. She had the weak body of a woman, but a manly and valiant spirit.

The Holy Martyr Peter Apselamus

The Holy Martyr Peter ApselamusA native of Eleutheropolis in Palestine, he suffered as a youth for the Christian faith in the year 311, under the Emperor Maximian. After terrible tortures, he was condemned to death. Hearing the sentence pronounced, he cried out with great joy: 'My one desire is to die for my God!' He was crucified, like his Lord, and gave up his spirit on the cross.

The Icon of the Mother of God, "She who gives suck"

The Icon of the Mother of God, This is the name given to the icon of the Mother of God that St Sava of Serbia brought from the monastery of St Sava the Sanctified near Jerusalem and placed in his hermitage at Karyes on the Holy Mountain. In that way a prophecy, made 800 years previously by St Sava the Sanctified, was fulfilled - that one day a Serbian priest called Sava would come and would be given the icon and his staff. When Sava of Serbia visited the community of St Sava the Sanctified, the monks called to mind the prophecy of their founder and gave the icon and the staff to Sava. The icon was placed at the right-hand side of the Royal Doors in the hermitage, and the staff in a cell which received the name 'Pateritsa', also situated at Karyes.

Our Holy Mother Theodora

Our Holy Mother TheodoraA famous nun and instructress of nuns from Alexandria, this holy woman said: 'As cold and snow are necessary to a tree for it to bear fruit, so are trials and temptations to our life.' She entered peacefully into rest at the beginning of the fifth century.

Martyr Mertius of Mauretania (284-305)

The Martyr Mertius was a soldier. He suffered in Africa for the Name of Christ during the reign of Diocletian (284-305). The emperor demanded him to offer sacrifice to idols and, receiving refusal, gave him over to torture. The saint suffered fierce torments, not uttering even one moan. He was thrown into prison, where he died from hunger and wounds.

St. Elias the Wonderworker, of the Paradise

St. Elias the Wonderworker, of the Paradise

Venerable Martinian of White Lake

Venerable Martinian of White LakeThe Monk Martinian of Belozersk, in the world Michael, was born in the year 1370 in the village of Berezniko, not far from the Kirillov monastery. At age thirteen he left his parents and went secretly to the Monk Kirill of Belozersk (Comm. 9 June), about whom many had spoken of to him as being a great ascetic. The youthful Martinian began zealously to imitate his teacher, with whom he dwelt in complete obedience. At the monastery he studied reading and writing, and with the blessing of the monk Kirill, he became occupied with the copying of books. In time Martinian was ordained deacon and then priest-monk. After the death of the monk Kirill (+ 1427) blessed Martinian withdrew for silence to a deserted island, situated on Lake Vozha. Several monks gradually gathered around him. The monk Martinian established for them a church of the Transfiguration (Preobrazhenie) of the Lord and introduced a general ustav-rule for the inhabitants. Yielding to the persistent requests of the brethren of Ferapontov monastery, he consented to become hegumen of the monastery and brought it into a brighter condition. The monk Martinian rendered spiritual support to great prince Vasilii Vasil'evich in the difficulties of his time, when his first-cousin Dimitrii Shemyaka illicitly pretended to the Moscow throne. He was always an advocate of truth and justice. Afterwards, upon the entreaty of the great prince, the monk accepted upon himself the governing of the monastery of the Monk Sergei of Radonezh. In 1455 the monk Martinian again returned to the Ferapontov monastery. The last years of his life he was grievously ill and not able to walk, and the brethren carried him to church. The monk died at age 85. His relics were uncovered in the year 1514 – and the commemoration of the uncovering is celebrated on 7 October.

Venerable Galaktion of Belozersk

Venerable Galaktion of BelozerskThe Monk Galaktion of Belozersk was a student and cell-attendant of the monk Martinian of Belozersk and lived together with his mentor at the Ferapontov monastery. The monk Galaktion cared with a filial love for the aged Abba Martinian. When his preceptor became completely infirm of body, the monk Galaktion took him to church on his shoulders. Beholding the spiritual maturity of his student, the monk Marinian blessed the monk Galaktion in his spiritual deed of folly. By his secret ascetic deeds blessed Galaktion reached high spiritual perfection, and obtained the grace of perspicacity. He foretold, that Kazan would be conquered by tsar Ivan, who was not yet even born. He foresaw his own end and the end of several of his fellow ascetics, and he also spoke of the fires and other disasters awaiting Ferapontov monastery. Blessed Galaktion died in the year 1506 and was buried at the foot of his teacher, the monk Martinian, at Ferapontov monastery.

Virgin Martyr Euthasia

January 2017
Our Holy Father Elias of Murom
St Danilo, Archbishop of Serbia
The Holy Martyr Themistocies
The Holy Martyr Theodota with her three Children
Our Holy Father Nahum, the Wonderworker of Ochrid
Our Holy Father Nicolas the Soldier
+++ The Nativity of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ
Our Holy Father Constantine of Synnada
Our Holy Fathers, the Martyrs Theodore and Theophanes the Branded
The Holy Martyr Domna
Our Holy Fathers Mark the Gravedigger and Theophilus the Weeper
Our Holy Father, the Martyr Gideon
Saint Dositej of Zagreb
New Martyr Peter  of the Peloponnesos
Venerable Sylvester of the Kiev Caves
St Genevieve of Paris
Venerable Euthymius the New of Thessalonica, monk
Martyr Theoidus
strict fast
+++ The Theophany
The Holy Martyr Athanasius
St. Theodore of Constantinople
St. Peter, bishop of Sebaste in Armenia
Blessed Theosebia the Deaconess
Saint Maire martyr
Virgin Martyr Euthasia
Venerable Eleazar of Anzersk Island at Solovki (1656)
Martyr Agnes
The Holy Martyr Pansophius
Martyrs Neon, Turbo, and the woman Jonilla (Jovilla), in Cappadocia
St Anthony of Krasny Kholm
Venerable Marcian of Cyrrhus in Syria
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Moon phases for January , 2017 (Serbia)
05 Jan 2017 First Quarter
12 Jan 2017 Full Moon
20 Jan 2017 Third Quarter
28 Jan 2017 New Moon