Насельники монастыря Чертси графства Суррей приняли мученическую кончину от рук язычников-данов (датчан).

К руинам Чертсийского монастыря до сих пор совершаются паломничества. Преподобномученикам Чертсийским составлена православная служба.


Тропарь, глас 4

O venerable martyrs of the Lord,/ mindful of the Sacred Scriptures,/ ye did not resist the rage of the heathen,/ but gave place unto their wrath;/ and blessing those who cursed you,/ ye bowed your necks beneath their swords,/ surrendering your souls into the hands of your Lord,// Who alone is good and loveth mankind.

Кондак, глас 2

Having fled from the din of this tumultuous world to the calm and quiet haven of the Abbey of Chertsey, ye strove tirelessly in ascetic stillness and bravely shed your lives' blood for Christ, O venerable martyrs; wherefore, ye dwell now with the saints and angels on high.


