25 Oct 2024
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12 Oct 2024
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The Holy Martyrs Tarachus, Probus and Andronicus

The Holy Martyrs Tarachus, Probus and AndronicusTarachus was bom in Syrian Claudiopolis, Probus in Pamphylian Side and Andronicus was the son of an eminent citizen of Ephesus. They were all three martyred together by the proconsul, Hymerius Maximus, in the time of the Emperor Diocletian (284-305). Tarachus was sixty-five years old when he was martyred. When the proconsul asked him three times for his name, he answered all three times: "I am a Christian."They were first beaten with rods, then, all bloody and wounded, thrown into prison. After that, they were brought out again for further torture. When the proconsul urged Probus to deny Christ, promising him honours from the Emperor and his own friendship, holy Probus replied: "I neither desire imperial honours nor seek your friendship." When he put St Andronicus to even greater physical torture, Christ"s young martyr replied: "My body is before you; do with it what you will." After long-drawn-out torture in various places, these three holy martyrs were thrown into the theatre before the wild beasts. Before them, others were torn to pieces by the animals in this same theatre, but the beasts would not touch the saints; both the bear and the ferocious lioness fawned around them. Seeing this, many people believed in Christ the Lord and cried out against the proconsul. Wild with anger, and more ferocious than the beasts, the proconsul ordered soldiers to go in and cut Christ"s soldiers to pieces, and their bodies lay mingled with the bodies of the others who had been slain. Three Christians: Macarius, Felix and Verianus, who witnessed the slaughter of the holy martyrs, came that night to take their bodies. All the bodies being mixed up and the night being very dark, they, in uncertainty about how to distinguish the martyrs" bodies, prayed to God, and three lights suddenly appeared above the bodies of the saints. They then took them and gave them burial.

St Martin, Bishop of Tours

St Martin, Bishop of ToursBorn in 316 in Pannonia, in a town called Sabaria, he was the son of pagan parents. His father was a Roman officer, and the young Martin was therefore put, against his will, into the army. He was, however, already a catechumen in the Christian Church, which he had loved with all his heart from his early youth. Travelling one winter with his companions to the town of Amiens, he saw a beggar, almost naked and freezing with cold, in front of the gates. Martin was distressed and, parting from his companions, took off his soldier"s cloak and, with his sabre, cut it in half. He gave half to the beggar and wrapped himself in the other, and went on his way. That night, the Lord Jesus appeared to him in a dream, clad in the other half of his cloak, and said to His angels: "Martin is only a catechumen, and see, he clothes Me in his garment!" Leaving the army, Martin was immediately baptised, and baptised his mother. After that, he became a monk in the diocese of St Hilary of Poitiers, and spent his life in true asceticism. He had a rare meekness, and for this God gave him abundant wonderworking gifts, so that he could raise the dead and drive out evil spirits. He was made Bishop of Tours against his will. After abundant toil in the Lord"s vineyard and after a mighty struggle with both pagans and Arian heretics, St Martin gave his holy soul into the hands of his Lord in 397.

Our Holy Father Cosmas of Maiuma

Our Holy Father Cosmas of MaiumaBorn in Jerusalem, he was a friend of St John Damascene, whose parents took him in as an orphan and educated him. As a monk, he helped St Damascene to compile the Octoechos*, and he himself composed many Canons to the saints. The especially lovely Canons for Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Judgement are ascribed to him. He was bishop of the town of Maiuma, near Gaza. He outlived St Damascene and died in great old age.

Martyr Domnina of Anazarbus (286)

Martyr Domnina of Anazarbus (286)The Holy Martyress Domnica suffered for confessing Christianity in the year 286. Domnica lived in the region of Cilicia. By order of the governor Licius they beat her for a long time, and burnt her with fire. All tormented, Saint Domnica was thrown into prison, where she died.

Hieromartyr Maximilian, bishop of Noricum (284)

Martyr Malfethos

Venerable Anastasia of Rome (250)

St. Theodotus, bishop of Ephesus

Martyr Anthea

St. Jason, bishop of Damascus

Venerable Symeon the New Theologian (1021)

Venerable Symeon the New Theologian (1021)As a young man he became a monk in the Studite Monastery in Constantinople; later he bacame abbot of the Monastery of St Mamas, also in Constantinople. After a life of great asceticism, including many trials, criticisms and afflictions, he reposed in peace. (He reposed on March 12, but since this day always falls during the Great Fast, his feast is kept today.)...

Venerable Theosebius the God-bearer of Arsinoe in Cyprus

Venerable Theosebius the God-bearer of Arsinoe in Cyprus

Venerables Amphilochius (1452), Macarius, and Tarasius, abbots, and Theodosius, monk, of Glushitsa Monastery (Vologda)

Venerables Amphilochius (1452), Macarius, and Tarasius, abbots, and Theodosius, monk, of Glushitsa Monastery (Vologda)The Monk Amphylokhii, Hegumen of Glushetsk, already a monk of priestly dignity, came from Ustiug to the monk Dionysii of Glushetsk (Comm. 1 July) in the year 1417. Saint Dionysii, learning of the wish of Amphylokhii to become an ascetic, told him about the severity and harshness of life in his monastery, but this did not deter the newcomer. Then Saint Dionysii said: "If thou wishest to dwell here, then we shalt make a testament – not to be distinct one from another, while we dwell upon the earth"...

September 2020
  2,593 Martyred Soldiers in Cilicia
Martyr Photina, at the Church of Blachernae
Hieromartyr Rafailo (Momcilovic), abbot of the Sisatovac Monastery
The Gruzinian (Georgian) Icon of the mother of God
Venerable Nicholas the Sicilian
St. Serapion the Wonderworker (1747)
St.Epiphanios, Patriarch of Constantinople (535.)
Venerable Ibestion the Confessor, Egyptian ascetic
Martyr Anthusa
St. Amphilochius, bishop of Vladimir, Volhynia (1122)
Venerable Arcadius of Arsinoe, Cyprus, bishop and wonderworker
strict fast
Venerable Bryaene of Nisibis (318)
Martyrs: Menas, Faustus, Andrew and Heraclius
Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos in Miasena Monastery (864.)
Feast of the Miracle of the Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God
Blessed John "the Hairy," fool-for-Christ at Rostov (1580)
Uncovering of the relics (1911) of St. Ioasaph, bishop of Belgorod (1754)
Virgin-martyr Rhais (Raisa) of Alexandria (308)
Venerable Archippus of Hierapolis (4th c.)
Venerable Luke
St. Ioane (Maisuradze) (1957) and St. Giorgi-Ioane (Mkheidze), (1960), confessors, of Georgia
Uncovering of the relics (1896) of St. Theodosius, archbishop of Chernigov (1696)
Venerable Ioasaph, monk, of Kubensk (Vologda) (1453)
Translation of the relics of Venerables Sergius and Herman of Valaam
Hieromartyr Dositheus of Tbilisi, Georgia (1795)
Venerable Peter at Atroe (9th C)
Repose of St. John Chrysostom (407)
Uncovering of the relics of St. Acacius the Confessor, bishop of Melitene (257)
New Martyrs Isaac and Joseph, who suffered at Karnu, Georgia (808)
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Moon phases for September , 2020 (Serbia)
02 Sep 2020 Full Moon
10 Sep 2020 Third Quarter
17 Sep 2020 New Moon
24 Sep 2020 First Quarter