10 Aug 2017
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The Holy Apostles Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas

The Holy Apostles Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and ParmenasAll four were of the number of the seven deacons and the seventy apostles. The other three deacons were Stephen, Philip and Nicolas. Stephen, the first martyr, is commemorated on December 27th, and Philip on October 11th. Nicolas was not included in the ranks of the saints because of heresy. These first four have no separate commemoration, and are commemorated together on this day. Prochorus was consecrated by the Apostle Peter as Bishop of Nicomedia. He served for a time with St John the Evangelist and, on the island of Patmos, wrote down the Revelation that he heard from St John"s lips. After that, he returned to Nicomedia, where he made great efforts to bring the people to the Faith. He died a martyr in Antioch, where he was murdered by unbelievers. Holy Nicanor suffered in Jerusalem on the same day as St Stephen the Archdeacon, quickly followed by two hundred others, killed by the wicked Jews. Timon was bishop in Arabia, and was crucified for Christ. Parmenas died before the eyes of the apostles, and was mourned and buried by them.

The Holy Martyr Julian

In the time of the Emperor Antoninus (138-161), St Julian went from Dalmatia to Campania in Italy. He was a handsome young man, utterly consecrated to God in his soul. On the way, he met a group of imperial soldiers, who were on their way to round up Christians. "Peace be to you, my brethren!", said Julian to them. By such a greeting and by the meekness of the young man"s face, the soldiers deduced that he was a Christian. To their query, Julian replied: "I am a Christian, born in Dalmatia." He openly admitted to them that he was travelling with the aim of turning idol-worshippers to the one, living God. The soldiers beat him mercilessly and then cast him into a pit, where he spent seven days with no earthly food. An angel of God appeared to him, nourishing him with heavenly food. Brought to trial, Julian remained firm as diamond in the Faith. Seeing his courage and steadfastness in the Faith, thirty men turned to Christ the Lord. Condemned to death, St Julian knelt and raised his prayer to God, thanking Him for the gift of martyrdom and praying Him to have mercy on all who would keep his memory. He was beheaded with an axe, and gave his soul to God.

Our Holy Father Paul of Xeropotamou

Our Holy Father Paul of XeropotamouThe son of the Emperor Michael Cyropalates, he was endowed with profound learning and a rare wisdom, conjoined with meekness. Procopius, as he was called at first, was, in his early years, a marvel to the whole of Constantinople. The Emperor Romanus the Elder called him "the greatest of the philosophers". But, fearful lest his soul be made proud and fall through the praise of men, this glorious youth clad himself in the garb of a poor man and went off to the Holy Mountain, where he received the monastic habit from the famous hierarch Cosmas. After a long period of solitary asceticism, he re-founded the monastery of Xeropotamou and, shortly after that, built the new monastery of St Paul, where he died in old age. When this monastery was consecrated, Emperor Romanus sent as a gift a large piece of the Precious Cross, which is kept there to this day. It is said of this saint that he preached the Gospel in Macedonia and Serbia. He endured much torment from the wicked Emperor Leo the Armenian, the iconoclast, and entered into rest in 820. At the time of his death, St Paul said to the brethren: "Lo, the hour has come that my soul has always desired, and which my body has always dreaded."

The Holy Martyr Eustathius (Eustace)

This martyr of Christ was a soldier in Ancyra. Taken for trial, he feared no torture but freely glorified the name of the Lord Christ. The commander, Cornelius, ordered that his feet be drilled through and threaded with rope. After doing this, they dragged the man of God to a river and threw him in. Saved by the power of God and healed of his wounds, he showed himself alive and well to the commander. When the commander saw him alive, he was so filled with fear that he drew his sword and killed himself. Eustathius lived some time longer, and entered into rest in the Lord in 316.

Martyr Eustathius (Eustace) the Soldier of Ancyra (316)

The Holy Martyr Eustathios was a soldier. For confessing the Christian faith he was arrested and brought before the head of the city on Ancyra. At the interrogation, the saint firmly and bravely confessed himself a Christian and was sentenced to tortures. They beat him without mercy, they bore into the heels and, having tied him about with rope, they dragged him in the city to the River Sagka (Sangara)...

Martyr Acacius of Apamea (321)

Martyr Acacius of Apamea (321)The Holy Martyr Akakios was brought to trial for belief in Christ. Three governors attempted to compel the holy martyr to offer sacrifice to idols, having subjected him to fierce tortures. Governor Licinius gave orders to rend the body of Saint Akakios with instruments of torture, and he then sent him to Governor Terence, who gave orders to throw Akakios into a cauldron, filled with boiling tar and tallow, but the martyr remained unharmed. Terence set off to the cities of Apameia and Apollonia and gave orders to bring the martyr after him...

Venerable Irene Chrysoyolantou of Cappadocia (912)

Venerable Irene Chrysoyolantou of Cappadocia (912)Saint Irene, who was from Cappadocia, flourished in the ninth century. Because of her great beauty and virtue, she was brought to Constantinople as a prospective bride for the young Emperor Michael (8422-867); however, as St Joannicius the Great foretold, it was God's will that she assume the monastic habit instead. She shone forth in great ascetical labors, and suffered many attacks from the demons; while yet a novice, she attained to the practice of St Arsenius the Great, of praying the whole night long with arms stretched out towards Heaven (see May 8)...

Venerable George of Mt. Athos, the Builder (1029)

Venerable George of Mt. Athos, the Builder (1029)The venerable George the Builder was the third abbot of the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos. According to some sources, he was a nephew of St. John, the founder and first abbot of the Iveron Monastery. George was elevated to the rank of abbot after St. Ekvtime left the monastery to travel to Jerusalem. Under his leadership, the main church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos was constructed. An inscription on the wall of the church reads: “I established these columns and they will not be shaken unto the ages. Monk George the Georgian, Builder.”...

August 2017
  Blessed Romanus, prince of Ryazan (1270)
St. Ilia the Righteous
New Hieromartyrs Simo Banjac and Milan Stojisavljevic and his son Martyr Milan of Glamoc, Serbia (1941-1945)
The Holy Martyr Marcella
Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna (75)
Holy New Martyrs of Prebilovci
New Hieromartyrs Vukosav Milanovic and Rodoljub Samardzic of Kulen Bakufa, Serbia (1941-1945)
Venerable Ignatius, monk, of Mt. Stirion
St. Ioasaph, metropolitan of Moscow (1555)
Venerable George of Mt. Athos, the Builder (1029)
Venerables Constantine and Cosmas, abbots of Kosinsk (Pskov) (13th c.)
Prince Tsotne Dadiani, the Confessor of Mingrelia (13th c.)
St Arsenius the Bishop of Ninotsminda
Martyr Elessa of Cythera
New Martyr Theodore of the Dardanelles (1690)
Nine Kherkheulidze brothers, their mother and sister, and 9,000 others, who suffered on the field of Marabde, Georgia (1625)
New Martyr Chrestos of Preveza (1668)
Martyrs Cantidius, Cantidian and Sibelius (Sobel), of Egypt
New Martyr Abbacum of Thessalonica (1628)
Holy Ten Thousand Ascetics of Thebes
Venerable Gregory, iconographer of the Kiev Caves (12th c.)
Venerable Macarius, abbot of Oredezh (1532)
Blessed Laurence, fool-for-Christ at Kaluga (1515)
New Martyrs Anastasius of Asomaton in Asia Minor and Demetrius of Lesbos (1816)
Monk-martyrs Gerontius, Serapion, Germanus, Bessarion, Michael, and Simeon of Garesja, slain by the Lekians (1851)
Venerable Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
Translation of the relics of Venerable Theodosius of the Kiev Caves (1091)
Reverence list of the Dormition Icon of the Mother of God
Holy Martyr Kristepore Guruli
St. Tbeli Abuseridze of Khikhuni, Adjara (13th c.)
St. Christodoulos the Philosopher, called the Ossetian, of Georgia (12th c.)
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Moon phases for August , 2017 (Serbia)
07 Aug 2017 Full Moon
14 Aug 2017 Third Quarter
21 Aug 2017 New Moon
29 Aug 2017 First Quarter