Saint Pausikakios, Bishop of Synada, lived at the end of the VI Century in the Syrian city of Apameia. He had been raised since childhood in the Christian faith by his pious parents, and he began in youth to lead an ascetic life of prayer, vigil and fasting. He was given by the Lord the gift of treating sicknesses of both soul and body. The Constantinople Patriarch Kyriakos (591-606) ordained Saint Pausikakios as bishop of Synada. Saint Pausikakios was zealous in his concern that in his flock there should be neither heretics nor dissolute people. He constantly taught his flock about the virtuous life, and his discourse was always powerful and lively. Having come to Constantinople on affairs of the Church, he healed the emperor Maurice of sickness, and on his return journey he besought of the Lord water for the quenching the thirst of his companions: after the prayer of the saint there issued forth from the ground a spring of pure water. Saint Pausikakios died peacefully in the year 606.

